Where is all the Shrouded Fable?
Due to Pokemon Supply Chain Issues with the Elite Trainer Box (Release Date changed to late August 26), many stores were frantic in trying to acquire the other Shrouded Fable products.
(Greninja / Kindra ex Boxes, Mini-Tins, Kingambit Boxes)
We also reached out to distribution to add to our order, but our Pre-orders were cut due to allocation issues. (Big stores demanding more product.).
With limited supply, we could not Pre-Sale our boxes and only offered purchase opportunities to customers who past history of large orders. We cannot take orders that we could not fulfill - so we had to wait until release date to reach out to customers.
When the booster bundles and elite trainer boxes are sent, we will be posting them for sale.
Our only remaining product is the 3 Pack Blisters for Shrouded Fable due to the extreme cut in allocation from Pokemon Distribution.
Product Can be found here: