Buy what you see!
When purchasing singles and graded product, options like Ebay and direct sales with persons allow you to see the centering, wear and played / near mint condition of the card when deciding to purchase.
When buying cards at LGS (local game stores) you have the benefit of looking over the card for defects, centering and wear. This is an advantage often overlooked when viewing stock images of cards online.
Coming soon, PokeChalet will be launch our "Buy what you see" service. Card singles will be photographed and provisioned to our product catalog for purchase.
If you are concerned and wish to have additional photos or videos of card, please contact us and we can provide additional images.
Completing sets is hard and the quality of the singles we buy is important.
While normally a laborious task, our team is working on automate the process of capturing high resolution images, cataloging the item and inventorying for fulfillment.
As collectors, we want to know what we are purchasing. Our upcoming "Buy what you see!" service will provide that transparency into your singles purchase.